B.A. Yong Lee, MBA
Absolvent oboru
It was quite difficult, but supported by my family a could manage the study. I definitely recommend MBA because of the modern marketing subjects that were quite helpful for my actual job. As well it was quite benefical to me for the future career in management. Study MBA is for self-motivated people to learn and career path.
Absolventi CEMI
One of the most important reasons for studying with CEMI was that it allowed me to study online
Bc. Anastasija Zapletalová, MBA ,IOS Senior Advisor
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
Pre môj pracovný život bolo štúdium na CEMI veľmi presným, a relevantným čo sa odrazilo v každodenných aspektoch v mojom podnikaní, ktoré je pre mňa veľmi dôležité.
Robert Kinnl, MBA ,Podnikateľ
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
It was a challenge to study MBA, but I did it!
Bc. Pavel Vojtek, MBA ,Head of sales
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
The subjects we covered were very much focused on what I do.
Christopher Seviour, MBA ,Bunker Trader at ARTE Bunkering GmbH
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
„Najväčší prínos štúdia vidím v tom, že som svoju diplomovú prácu venovala stanoveniu stratégie na ďalšie dva roky pre spoločnosť, pre ktorú v súčasnosti pracujem."
Ing. Lucia Čišková, MBA ,Commercial Director - Business Lease Slovakia, s. r. o.
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
Štúdium je náročné, ale ak je človek motivovaný, určite sa to dá zvládnuť.
Mgr. Klaudia Blaškovičová, MBA ,CSO & Co-Founder, norriv s.r.o.
MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business