Ing. Jan Šuráň, MBA

Absolvent oboru
I choose CEMI because of combination of availability, of possibility to study completely online, so I was able to align with my schedule, and also for a good reference.
Absolventi CEMI

Jiří Barák, MBA ,Senior Client Manager - NTT DATA Luxembourg
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

I choose CEMI because of combination of availability, of possibility to study completely online, so I was able to align with my schedule, and also for a good reference.
Ing. Jan Šuráň, MBA ,Enterprise IT architect at First Data Corporation
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

New challenges are part of my life and study MBA at CEMI is one of the completed!
Lívia Fazekasová, MBA ,EMEA D&D Manager, Vertiv
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

Global Business Leadership bol pre mňa ako stvorený. Väčšinu predmetov využijem v praxi.
Ing. Martina Sido, MBA ,Finance manager IBM
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

I was looking for something that is flexible and what I can combine with my work and my family life.
Bc. Kristina Stipovič, MBA ,Amsterdam University Manager at Career Development Center
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

"Pro své studium na CEMI jsem se rozhodnul díky tomu, že vlastně umožňovalo propracovaný e-learningový systém, který mi umožňoval skloubit můj nabitý pracovní program se studiem."
Bc. Jiří Rada, MBA ,Sector sales manager v Candy Hoover ČR
MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership