Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia Kalkulátor finančného prínosu MBA štúdia

Bc. Anastasija Zapletalová, MBA

IOS Senior Advisor
Bc. Anastasija Zapletalová, MBA

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
2017 / 2018

One of the most important reasons for studying with CEMI was that it allowed me to study online. The lecturers were great because they came from different countries, so therefore had different cultural backgrounds, which was extremely interesting.


Absolventi CEMI

Christopher Seviour, MBA The subjects we covered were very much focused on what I do.

Christopher Seviour, MBA ,Bunker Trader at ARTE Bunkering GmbH

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2017 / 2018
Bc. Anastasija Zapletalová, MBA One of the most important reasons for studying with CEMI was that it allowed me to study online

Bc. Anastasija Zapletalová, MBA ,IOS Senior Advisor

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2017 / 2018
Tomáš Gbúr, MBA Online štúdium je výborná forma pre silne vyťažených ľudí

Tomáš Gbúr, MBA ,Riaditeľ a zakladateľ agentúry Hokej v Kanade

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2017 / 2018
Bc. Pavel Vojtek, MBA It was a challenge to study MBA, but I did it!

Bc. Pavel Vojtek, MBA ,Head of sales

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2021 / 2022
B.A. Yong Lee, MBA I wanted to study and it was a challenge! CEMI MBA degree can make me boost up for the next opportunity!

B.A. Yong Lee, MBA ,Manager

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2023 / 2024
 Ing. Lucia Čišková, MBA „Najväčší prínos štúdia vidím v tom, že som svoju diplomovú prácu venovala stanoveniu stratégie na ďalšie dva roky pre spoločnosť, pre ktorú v súčasnosti pracujem."

Ing. Lucia Čišková, MBA ,Commercial Director - Business Lease Slovakia, s. r. o.

Absolvent oboru

MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business

2015 / 2016
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Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia

* Data v kalkulaci vychází z průzkumu mezi absolventy MBA studia na institutu CEMI, realizovaného agenturou STEM/MARK v červnu 2022.